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Hacienda La Minita

Los Santos, Costa Rica

Located in the lush Los Santos region of Costa Rica, our flagship farm is the renowned Hacienda La Minita, one of the world’s premier coffee-growing estates.

  • Coffee is grown between 3,750 ft and 5,000 ft on 800 acres of the 1,200 acre farm

  • On the south side of the farm, 200 acres is set aside as a natural forest preserve to conserve natural forestland and wildlife corridors

  • The farm’s 1.7 million shade-grown coffee trees are managed sustainably by 80 full-time employees

  • Farm employees earn industry-leading wages, receive free housing, a savings-matching program, and free onsite preventative medical and dental care

  • The farm is Rainforest Alliance Certified. Sustainable practices also include manual weeding (no herbicides), organic pest control (no pesticides) and bird-friendly, shade grown coffee trees

  • There are two full time daycare centers at Minita and one at Pradera with capacity for around 150 children. These are no-cost to workers and staffed by us, where the children are fed and cared for

  • 8 modern housing units at Minita with a capacity to host 500 temporary workers

  • Our plantation is comprised of Hacienda La Minita, Hacienda La Pradera and Valle Central farms

In 2009, Hacienda La Minita was Rainforest Alliance Certified.

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